Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Invoice id #2023121526ak ....

PayPal   consumer _

Your order for Samsung 138cm (55 inches) Crystal 4K Pro Series has been placed successfully through PayPal.

Thank you for using PayPal.. the changes may take some time to reflect in your account.


Product –  Samsung 138 cm (55 inches) Crystal 4K Pro Series.

ORDER ID:  #2023121526ak

ORDER DATE: 20 –  10 -  2021                                                                                                          

DELIVERY DATE: 21 – 10 - 2021

AMOUNT  USD. - $ 487.40

TOTAL  USD – $ 487.40

Have feedback on your shopping experience or an order-related query?

 Contact  us on +1- (850 )- (290) - (0855).


Thank you for shopping with us!!
